Sunday, December 13, 2009

nice guys come in...first?

NO MORE MR. NICE GUY, NICE GUYS FINISH LAST... why has being nice gotten such a bad rap? Leave it to Berkeley to protest this one.

Apparently, being selfish is no longer cool? sorry _ _ _ _ _ (this is where you get to fill in the blank!)
need another blank? _ _ _ _

UC Berkeley social scientists build case for 'survival of the kindest' | Eureka! Science News
Researchers at UC Berkeley are challenging long-held beliefs that human beings are wired to be selfish. In a wide range of studies, social scientists are amassing a growing body of evidence to show we are evolving to become more compassionate and collaborative in our quest to survive and thrive.

read full article HERE!
So go on, be nice, it definitely won't kill you...

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