Sunday, March 15, 2009

Big Heart Ranch

I visited the Big Heart Ranch in Malibu this past weekend to check out their Equine Assisted Therapy program and see what it was all about. We were able to "guest" a day there and participate in some of the activities they facilitate.
Located on an ocean-view Malibu bluff is quite a ranch . . . a place where the powerful relationships between human, animal, earth and spirit are experienced on a level that offers insight and understanding.

BIG Heart Ranch is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that offers Animal Assisted Growth & Learning, Equine Assisted Psychotherapy, organic gardening, and cultural insight and education for children, families, private groups and corporations. We offer a fresh approach for youth and their families struggling with mental health and everyday life issues. We honor the confidentiality of all participants.

Together with the help of our four rescued Thoroughbreds, two rescued ponies, our Delta certified therapy dog and other animals including chickens, Suri Alpacas, and our team of professionals, BHR offers:

Equine Assisted Psychotherapy
Organic Gardening
Animal Assisted Growth and Learning
Native American Rituals and Traditions
Sustainable Living

(taken from their website)

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